October 2016 - Archieve

Under the hood articles from the past.

How to Start Unity 3D Game Development?

Learn Easy Tips, Unity Development for Beginners

What is a Unity Platform? Unity is an extreme three-dimensional graphics rich, the completely integrated development engine for formation of attractive 3D graphic content. If You need to create 3D games for mobiles? Unity's platform provides you best opportunity to achieve your goals. In this editorial, I’ll share basic tips, instruction & suggestions for success for beginners via using Unity.
download Latest Unity setup by using its official website. They will provide you 30-day time slot for trial based or cracked version from google. You will find several tutorials on google but the main most important thing is motivation.
Usually, peoples have the problem with coding who have the better grip of graphics because their sense of colours scheme is very high. That’s reason they want to work on graphics without code. But in unity, you need to code each & everything using its platform. It’s difficult as compared to other simple graphics tools. Unity as well enclosed by a tremendous community with several contributing lectures plus open source libraries to embed all kinds of calm technology from MS Kinect to smartphone Augmented Reality solutions, we are departure you capable to attention fully on your mobile game or application. Where you can use unity, Using single unity project, you can be spread to all the numerous web browsers, Xbox 360, PC, Mac or desktops, Android, Adobe Flash, iOS, Wii, & Latest PlayStation’s. These all access just far from you single click a button.  It’s not easy to get access your own content via many platforms & device.  Several top & best games on iOS store, that is created on Unity Platform.
First of all, download Latest Unity setup by using its official website. They will provide you 30-day time slot for trial based or cracked version from google. You will find several tutorials on google but the main most important thing is motivation. Without it, you will not reach your aims or goals. You can also get help from latest Goldstone popular book, named Unity 3.x Game Development Essentials 2011, that is very informative with all source codes guidelines. You should read that book too. In this book, they provide information about C# & JavaScript with unity code.
For more help, just Contact us on our official page we will provide code or complete application in unity, we RE Dubai-based company facilitate all software service. You can also get help from twitter hashtags @unity3d or @smartbaba. We hope you will happy to read our motivational Article.

Learn Laravel PHP Framework from Scratch Guidelines

Best way to Learn PHP Laravel Framework:

Before we start guidelines about best & easy way to learn larvae we will talk about the background of its framework. Its prerequisite is PHP. We already know about PHP, if you know basics of PHP you will be able to learn easily this framework. I will recommend Laravel 5 its latest version & easy for beginners. Laravel arranged a unified API through a variation of changed queue in backbends, for example, SQS, Beanstalk, Redis & in the relational database. These queues to give you a way to processing high complexity tasks, for instance, sending receiving an email. It will speed up our complex task as compared to an old framework or simple PHP. First, install Laravel Framework must be PHP version equal or greater than 5.3.7 in your PC with window 7 or greater. You can download the setup from its official website. One more thing, I want to explain before the start, you should know difference between "connections" and "queues". config/queue.php in the configuration file is a connection that defines a specific connection for backend services. On the other ways, queues connection has multiple in one queues it's can be different stacks or piles in queue jobs. you can visit latest Laravel 5.3 Top 16 new features. All new features given below: 
Before we start guidelines about best & easy way to learn larvae we will talk about the background of its framework. Its prerequisite is PHP we already know about PHP, if you know basics of PHP you will be able to learn easily this framework. I will recommend Laravel 5 its latest version & easy for beginners. Laravel arranged a unified API through a variation of changed queue in backbends, for example, SQS, Beanstalk, Redis & in the relational database.
We need to focus on some basic steps, whole Laravel Framework based on these points those are given below:
  • Driver Prerequisites
  • --Database
  • Creating Jobs
  • --Generating job classes
  • --Class Structure
  • Dispatching Jobs
  • --Delayed dispatching
  • --Dispatching specific connection
  • --Error handling
  • --Customizing queues & connections
  • Running Queue Worker
  • --Specifying connection & Queue
  • --Queue priorities
  • --Queue workers & deployment
  • --Job expirations & timeouts
  • Supervisor Configuration
  • --Installing supervisor
  • --Configuring supervisor
  • --Starting supervisor
  • Dealing failed jobs
  • --Cleaning failed Jobs
  • --Failed job events
  • --Retrying failed jobs
  • Job Events
If you need any Web / desktop application easy or complex you need to visit our promotion packages. Or need any assistance feel free to Contact us our aim is to help others as soon as possible within our circles. We hope this article will help you.

Develop your own medical practice management software

Top Best Medical Practice Management software

First of all, I will start from scratch for beginners. 1st question is what is the medical practice management software system? Medical practice management software is known as PMS. It’s a type of healthcare software that contracts with everyday operations of a medical practice (MP). These type of software normally allows users / customer to get details about the patients. For example, demographics, schedules, appointments, retain queue of insurance documents & their payers, payment responsibilities, & produces reports each and every aspect.  In the US, a majority of PMS systems are developed for tiny to medium medical offices. Few or rare case exist there is PMS software developed for or used by 3rd party medical billing companies. For example, some are existing in Pakistan some India and a lot of other countries who handles US medical companies’ data because of less expensive. PMS is categorized in few types among desktop, client-server, web-based software. In this article, our focus is how to develop PMS for your own small company. Actually, it’s a Healthcare software that needs to produce at least 99% accurate result. We will be very careful to use our algorithms. We will make our software in asp.net that will work both web & desktop applications. First, we will describe features of our PMS.
 PMS is categorized in few types among desktop, client-server, web-based software. In this article, our focus is how to develop PMS for your own small company. Actually, it’s a Healthcare software that needs to produce at least 99% accurate result. We will be very careful to use our algorithms. We will make our software in asp.net that will work both web & desktop applications.
There is the main feature given below:
  • Enterprise Scheduling.
  • Recording Dashboards.
  • Appointment Reminders.
  • Electronic Communication.
  • Insurance Eligibility.
  • Co-pay & Owing Balance Collection.
  • Electronic Claims & Remittance.
  • Clean Claim Checks.
  • Denial Management.
  • Access Control and Audit Trail.
  • Clearing House Connectivity.
  • Reporting & Analytics.
  • Payer Management.
  • Patient Portal.
  • E-Learning.
You can add more features in this software according to you need for example some companies include cameras & thumb impression machine etc.  if make you own PMS software we can help you, but If you want open source software by us we will provide you according to your custom needs just Contact us on Smart Baba official. we hope this article will help full to you.

Create Custom WP Plugin Development

Free Best WordPress Plugin Development Process

Before we start our topic, I want to brief background of plugins to our viewer. Why we need plugins in WordPress. Most important point is we all need services that almost used in every website that was only possible when we enable code in website code that is not possible for those people who don’t know about coding programming. Then WP CMS altered interface of Internet websites & continued with new concepts to flourish & most important part of this idea is, it's open source program you can change it according to custom software & Web Development. We have a lot of ways to start plugin development for any WordPress website. These steps are very easy, you can do it without requiring a lot of knowledge. Just need the basic understanding of PHP, WP file structure & Admin Panel. In this simple guide, we will start from basic steps to create a simple plugin. We will use dynamic excerpt based functionality that will pass number from several functions. After created you just need to activate files in server admin panel after uploading. Then it will call functions according to your custom instruction.  Steps are given below:
Just need the basic understanding of PHP, WP file structure & Admin Panel. In this simple guide, we will start from basic steps to create a simple plugin. We will use dynamic excerpt based functionality that will pass number from several functions. After created you just need to activate files in server admin panel after uploading. Then it will call functions according to your custom instruction.

1. WP Folder Structure

That is a starter keen on WordPress folder structure, it will display in basics app directories. It consists in wp-content you will search plugins directory.  On behalf of minor plugins which only require one single .php file, you can consume option to replace that straight into the plugin directory. That file consist of JavaScript, CSS, & HTML using PHP functions.

2. Starting your PHP File

When we always create a new plugin, you must start using PHP file. So, for instance, I have formed our code & make a file with named smartbaba.php.

3. Naming Conventions & Best Practices

4. Diving into Filters and Actions

There is an additional concept notable of mentioning earlier we jump into our dump code. Actions & filters are two totally altered concepts which communicate in ways operate plugin data.
  • Understanding add_filter()
  • Understanding add_action()

5. Finishing our Plugin Logic

6. Installing and Running the Plugin

I assumed, we already made a plugin as the showpiece. So we just need to upload a file to your own /wp-content/plugins directory.  After finished uploading just activate it from WordPress plugins. 
If you ever face difficulties to making any plugins or you want to make you custom or you want to learn how to make Professional custom WordPress plugin just Contact us on our official website.

Learn Android Games Engine Development

Android Games APP Programming & Development:

This is a general article that will give you instruction or guide "how to start android development or how to make your first app" using simple & easy way. You should have some background in programming languages, but If you hadn’t touched Android app development previously so it’s not a problem for you. I'd like to get started. As you're most likely conscious, scripting apps code for Android is overhead to just learning syntax code. If you were not ever learned how to code, you can also able to learn from our given guidelines with that possessions. Conversely, there are still a lot of tools & assets you may be not aware so that you can necessity to write an Android app. we will provide you an outline of variety tools you will be able to use it free of cost. These tools need varying high-level experience & if you did not write ever any code previously. it can be difficult for you but 100% possible for you but it can take more time as compared to those people who frequently use the coding platform. firstly, however, we are prepared to move forward to written theory & syntax to real development. After this motivational article, you will able to make your own game for android. first, we will advise you what is the name of tools you'll needed:
  • Android Software Development Kit (or SDK).
  • Eclipse/Android Studio.
  • Android Debug Bridge (ABD). 
 Tutorials we are prepared to move forward to written theory & syntax to real development. After this motivational article, you will able to make your own game for android. first, we will advise you what is the name of tools you'll needed
First of all, you need to know Which language you want to use in Android Development. There are two main ways 1st is Java, 2nd is C-sharp(c#). I will tell you about java its good way because java is an open source and provide more control as compared to c#. Android Studio & Eclipse depends on Integrated Development Environments (IDEs). You might code Java by several programs that run code, but for myself, I am not too acquainted with these types & I wouldn’t endorse these types of coding all of new or beginner students. Now I will explain you how IDEs works. it compiles & processes our code with the click of a button, on the other applications, you need to write few lines of code & operate manually to compile and get any results. You just need to install Android SDK including Eclipse. It is easy you can do it. Don’t worry about difficulties if you have passion you will reach your destination easily. If you need any type of help or you want to make any difficult module of android feel free to Contact Us on your official Smart Baba website.

Develop your Own WordPress Theme Free

Free Create your Own WordPress Theme from scratch? 

This lecture will teach you how to create your own simple, easy, Beautiful & responsive WordPress theme. When you start building your personal theme development, you should use SmartBaba Free & Best WordPress themes as a reference. How to start Developing your theme, 1st make a folder in wp-content/themes directory within WP folder. Name of folder would agree to theme name you need to generate. You can use moreover your preferred FTP client or the File Manager apparatus within cPanel. Beforehand you jump creating a theme, you must choose what type of layout you want to your website will appear. In here we will start build custom theme from scratch that contain on a header, centre content area, sidebar & footer you will read more below will below, Let’s start overview of all files within theme directory:
header.php - File will have code of header section.
index.php – It’s the main file, that will cover code of Main Area & will identify where the additional files used.
style.css - That file will control styling & layout of every aspect of theme.
sidebar.php - File will have the sidebar information.
footer.php - That file will hold footer code.
This lecture will teach you how to create your own simple, easy, Beautiful & responsive WordPress theme. When you start building your personal theme development, you should use SmartBaba Free & Best WordPress themes as a reference. How to start Developing your theme, 1st make a folder in wp-content/themes directory within WP folder. Name of folder would agree to theme name you need to generate.
You will follow us & create these files with same code for basic theme.

WordPress header.php:

In which header.php file nothing more than just simple HTML & PHP code with regular WordPress function. In header file you can add meta tags for example titles, description, ads code, & keywords for website etc. you just need to put that code in this file.
Create Develop WordPress header.php function Html php code free

index.php file:

As you already observe that the header file not consist of code of main page. So in index file we will include instruction about our content & connectivity with internal WordPress function. We have located Main Area text to show which unit of theme is revealed in that area. That file code also instructions about your blog post using WordPress managerial area.
Create Develop WordPress index.php function Html php code free


One of the most important file is style.css without this file you theme will not acceptable. It’s a simple CSS file that will control elementary design & appearances of theme. Such as background, founts pages, borders images etc…
Create Develop WordPress style.php function Html php code free


Sidebar file consist of internal WordPress functions to show Classifications & Archives posts. The WordPress functions send back them as a list objects.
Create Develop WordPress sidebar.php function Html php code free


In footer section its depend on developer what they need in this section but for the default you can add this code with editable links.
Create Develop WordPress footer.php function Html php code free
If you face any problem or you want to buy ant type of custom theme just Contact us we will provide you the best responsive theme.

How to Get Website Traffic?

How to Get Traffic on Website:

We have A Lot of unique Ways to Increase Targeted Traffic to Your Website, main roles in website traffics are SEO, SMM, SMM. We will discuss only white hat tactics to increase visitor on websites. We hope after reading that article you will easily drive traffic to your website. First of all, you should know/ have knowledge about your niche/topic of website. Complete research already performed. Then according to research u will write articles. It must be quality unique content. There is a famous quote about content is “Content is King”. After that when u publish it will index soon & will give u traffic soon without any back link or publicity because of quality & research. But if traffic not comes on your site as you expect then we have few better ways to increase traffic on your blog/site. Few are written below:
top best ways how to increase targeted organic traffic on website
  • Advertise:
    It’s the best way people used to improve traffic on their sites usually for brand site because it’s a paid service to advertise their brand sites. If you want to advertise any site u need to make research, $ according to that make any strategy, every complain have pros & corn usually people use google AdWords for this purposes.
  • Social sharing:
    Only great content is not enough to get visitors to your sites. You need to share your sites link on different social networks it will help to improve ranking of your site also hep to index article urgency in in search engines.
  • Mix It Up:
    There is nothing shortcut way for successful content marketing, in spite of what some would have you trust. Mix your contents with your main keywords as user / reader easily read. Ypu can do with long-term content along with video.
  • On-Page SEO:
    One of the most important part of increasing traffic on site is On- page seo that will help to improve ranking in search engine.
  • Target Long-Tail Keywords:
    Use long tail key words their competition cam be low or medium & it have more benefits.
  • Guest Blogging posting.
  • Invite everyone to Visitor Blog on Your Site.
  • Internal linking.
  • Email Marketing.
  • Make 100% Guaranteed Site is Responsive.
  • Must be Fast Speed Site.

We hope this article will help you to improve ranking & traffic/visitor on you site if you not successful after these thing you just feel free to Contact Us on Smart Baba its fictional from Dubai.

Top 6 World Best Ecommerce Sites Store

Top 10 World Best Ecommerce Sites Store development and design

B & H Photo Video

B&H Photo Video, start works in 1973 from 420 Ninth Avenue, corner West 34th Street, Manhattan, New York City, It’s the main photo & video equipment store in the US. The overall presentation of B&H Photo is clad. Especially in a state of art Field Design and Topographies, Payment Flow & Methods, its Alexa online global ranking is about 774 & in US 296.

The Home Depot

The Home Depot is an Extra ordinary home appliance supplies superstore that trades tools, building products & services. It functions several huge-box set-up stores from corner to corner in the United States, & in 10 provinces of Canada, along with Mexico. Overall recital of Home Depot is dressed. its Alexa online global ranking is about 270 & in US 62.


Staples, Inc. is a large United States office supply chain store, with over 3,000 stores worldwide in 26 countries. The generally performance of Staples is nice. its Alexa online global ranking is about 928 & in US 247.


Wal-Mart Stores, performance commercial as Walmart, is an American international retail establishment that runs a chain of supermarkets, concession department stores & grocery stores. The generally performance of Wal-Mart is nice. its Alexa online global ranking is about 154 & in US 33.


Crutchfield Corporation is a nationwide seller specifying in an extensive range of electronics, with mobile audio video apparatus for the vehicle, with speakers, televisions, & some extra electronics for home or moveable use. The commonly show of Crutchfield is fine. its Alexa online global ranking is about 7,028 & in US 1,872.

Office Depot

Office Depot, is an US workplace supply trade company Main office located at Boca Raton, Florida, US of America. The generally performance of Office Depot is nice. its Alexa online global ranking is about 1,788 & in US 493.

If you want to make online shopping eCommerce store like top 10 store feel free to contact us we will manage whole your online store including marketing & best SEO services in cheap cost form our Dubai Branch.

Develop an Online shopping store free

This post is written for those people who want to know the answer to this question “how to make your own shopping website” so we will explain the easy way how to create an eCommerce store with the shopping cart. firstly, I will explain why we need online shopping sites or what is the importance of an online electronics store. Today there is an evaluation in every business, without the online website or mobile app it’s not possible to groom your business in any field, but some business like shopping store can convert whole business in the online store that is reason people usually want to make online eCommerce sites. If you make a shopping cart website itself, it’s pretty cheap but if u want to buy from any company. it can be expensive but we will offer you Best Online Stores in cheap rate or reasonable price. There are a lot of Dubai, UAE, Pakistani, Indian online shopping sites already working with that idea you should read about companies. Also, know how they work.
how to make your own shopping website. so we will explain the easy way how to create an ecommerce store with shopping cart. firstly, I will explain why we need online shopping sites or what is importance of an online electronics store.

Requirement for online shopping website:

Main functional requirements online shopping is any computer language depend on your needs in these days’ website in PHP are more popular because code is open source can available on any platforms but some people suggest Asp.net. after language skills, we need a bank account for example PayPal, it's easy to use & easily compatible with any shopping cart. If your product need to shipping then we need to contract with any shipping company that should be the high quality company because that company not meet their requirements then your customer will not happy, & never order again. Some other requirements are: -
  • ·         Internet facilities.
  • ·         Mobile app for Business.
  • ·         Computer or mobile communication.
  • ·         Shopping skills.
  • ·         Functions knowledge.
  • ·         Product Review User friendly website.

How to make CMS website free

what is CMS: 

CMS is an abbreviation of "Content Management System". A CMS is a product / computer application or set of related codes that utilized to create and manage computerized content using an easy / user friendly interface to abstract low-level minutiae. It’s also support multiple users working environment. It’s are regularly utilized for enterprise content management (ECM) and web content administration (WCM). An ECM provides collaboration between the workplace by mixing document administration, digital asset management, records holding & deliver end workers with role-based access to administration's digital resources. A WCM provides help to collaborative authoring for websites. Usually ECM software Already have WCM functionalities, but ECM webpages characteristically remain backend the organization's firewall.

Both ECM & WCM have two main components:
  1. ·       Content Management Application (CMA)
  2. ·       Content Delivery Application (CDA).
CMA is based on graphical interface (GUI) that permits to user control the formation, alteration & elimination of content from relevant website without sense about HTML PHP or coding. CDA facilitate the back-end functionality & services that provides management and distribution of contents firstly that created by users using CMA.
Free Custom CMS Content Management Syaytem for universtiy / small / big compnies
Development of Content Management Website:
If you want to create a custom content management system. You need to show expertise in web languages but If you need CMS for desktop you need expertise in OS Languages for example in these days .Net platform used for both web & desktop Software. But if have not capability to do both types of language you can contact us on our official site SmartBaba. N the others way if you want to make itself & you have not skills then you will read about CMS & find open source on our different platform. You just need to learn basic HTML, PHP & database can be from Oracle or MySQL. No need to learn a lot about data base queries just insert, delete, replace, update, display & connectivity of DB you should know. You will create easily your own CMS.